Thursday, April 10, 2008

Today I'm linking to other funny people rather than making with the funny myself and IFC compiled what they determined to be the 50 Greatest Comedy Sketches of all Time. What changes this from the typical list-ism so culturally pervasive right now to an absolutely essential link is that many entries contain video. I can't wait to get home from work and watch a bunch of these--many of them are old favorites of mine but there are also plenty I've never seen. I wouldn't even know how to put together my list, but their top 4 are awfully hard to argue against.

1 comment:

ryan said...

from the carefully scripted "who's on first" to the very sophisticated "head crusher vs face pincher", there's a lot of variety in sketch comedy.

there's so much to laugh at and so many ways to laugh. i love seeing different styles all right up next to each other n'at.